STAR NEWS - Speak Asia Online Surveys Scam

Every one wants to earn quick money and now a days people feels that earning money online is very easy and it is the best option to be rich and one of option which people are trying is online surveys.
You have to pay a one time sign up fees to these companies and then expect paid surveys that can make you rich overnight .

But if look at the past all these companies are fooling people and this time "Speak Asia" is also doing similar kind of business. - STAR NEWS

The company was launched in Singapore which claimed that it had large clients like ICICI Bank who were paying them for research and the company was offering panelists / membership options for around Rs 11000 and within a few months around 13 lakh people already joined in which is seriously a very big number. Many students and middle-class people have signed up for this company with multiple accounts in a hope to earn money quickly

Below is the News covered by STAR NEWS a s  "Speak Asia Online Surveys Scam"

PS : Star Tv India has also started a similar program called Star Panel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...